Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beautiful Divide Thank Yous

I just wanted to take the time to say some more Thank You's to everyone that made "Beautiful Divide" and the special cd release possible. Unfortunately, due to the constraints of time/space on the CD, I wasn't able to include specific thank you's and lyrics. That's the point of this blog. For things I'm not able to say on stage/in the liner notes. So here they are:

Thank You...(in alphabetical order)

Allison Hamnett: For helping me with the balloons.
Ask for the Future: For playing. For putting me on their awesome cd release show even though I couldn't bring any new fans for them.
Ben Sorensen: For mastering the cd. It was short notice and a quick turnaround. Sounds great.
Cailie Ercanbrack: For helping me promote.
Chad Braithwaite: For taking great pics. Being a good guy and designing some awesome posters.
Cody Farnsworth: For being a crash test dummy. Being able to listen to countless demos of the same songs over and over and somehow manage to not hate it. Also, for helping choose the final track listing. "Boomerang" wouldn't have made it onto the cd without his vote.
Corey Fox: For giving Utah the best venue in the state. Also, giving me a place to test out my new stuff (open mic) and just a great place to see great bands. And for helping me brainstorm epic ways to make the cd release something to remember.
Dad: For providing the great video footage of the CD Release.
Dazh Love: For being supportive and helping with merch.
Drew Hamnett: For helping me pick the final track list. You saved "Kentucky" from getting the axe.
Dustin Plake: For playing the show, always being great, and for all the good times we've had at Muse.
John Allred: For always being supportive and teaching.
Katie Hunsaker: For always taking pictures at shows.
Lisa George: For helping me promote.
Maile Hamnett: For helping with the balloons/putting up with my merch-area-hogging.
Mark @ ELS Productions: For saving my life. For the fastest turn-around on digi-packs he's ever ever ever done. I wouldn't have had ANY cds at the show if it wasn't for this man going above and beyond.
Mom: For putting up with the noise always coming from the basement and for always being supportive of my foolish dreams.
Nate Smeding: For helping me pick the final track list: And for being an amazing drummer, as well as being one of the most positive/awesome people I know.
Natty Coleman: For all the graphic design/artwork you did for the cd. I've never been a part of such a visually amazing cd. It looks better than I could've possibly imagined. And I don't care what you say, I still owe you money.
Sheyn Love: For always being supportive of my music. For providing his incredible musical talents to the show, and making the songs sound even better live.
Riley Hamnett: For helping me figure out the final track order. And for letting me pick his brain about booking/myspace/promotion.
Sam Sorensen: For pointing me in the direction of his brother, so I could have a more polished CD. And for being a good friend and a great musician.
Shirts Illustrated/Teara: For helping me get t-shirts done for the first time ever. They look amazing. Also, thanks for putting up with my obsessive perfectionist-tendencies.
Tacia Coleman: For helping me with the balloons.
The Trademark: For playing. For taking me out on the road with them and teaching me most of what I know. Also, for being the sweetest band around.
Trista Markland: For putting up with my ultra-stress around the merch area and letting me steal the whole table.

Hopefully, I didn't leave anyone out. But again. I can't thank all of you enough.


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