Friday, October 16, 2009

Remember that whole thing about REAL recording?

...well things haven't gone as smoothly as planned. Having a house to myself didn't provide as much free time as I had hoped. Most time was spent moving things from Provo to Highland, then setting up.... then dealing with pets....then picking people up from the airport...then it's suddenly the weekend and I have shows....and so on.

Once things settled down the beginning of this week, swine flu hit me. I've been doing nothing but playing Plants vs. Zombies for 4 straight days. Quarantined to a bedroom upstairs without any equipment. So how much progress has been made? Hardly any. It's what I get for writing a blog about recording before I STARTED to do any recording. From now on, let's talk about what I HAVE done and not what I PLAN ON doing. Because no matter what you have planned, it doesn't always work out. Then you look foolish for talking about it. Anyway, I'm rambling.

This is what I have done:

I was able to get to my desktop yesterday and do some mixing. I was surprised at how much I was able to refine/improve the mixes with only the same tracks I had from before. I squeezed as much as I could out of them. Trimming some songs down, tinkering with the order, revising lyrics. I'm pretty happy with how some of the mixes are shaping up. Right now, my favorite is "Perfect Circle." I think I finally finalized the lyrics to that song as well. Still not set on the title thanks to the Tool side-project of the same name.

Oh yeah, and "Forgotten"...very excited about that one. I'll get to work on putting together more slideshows.


  1. Dave!! You sound so down!! :( I hope you are feeling better soon!! You are amazing, one of the best artists I have ever heard in my life!!

  2. Jaimie, thank you! I'll try to keep your encouraging words in mind and keep working!
